As the name ROMA Charity Foundation already suggests, the association was founded by members of the Romani people. A minority that still today is being persecuted, marginalized and discriminated against in many parts of the world. The association was also founded to support members of the once-changing people, who for political reasons and due to discrimination, were displaced into isolated areas, away from infrastructure, who live in solitude in slums or cardboard huts. At this point we would like to emphasize that the association was primarily created to provide assistance to all those in need, whether minority or not, regardless of their nationality or ethnic group. The national flag of the Roma can be seen in our charity logo. Although the Romani people do not have their own country, they have symbolically had a national flag since 1971, which is intended to create a sense of belonging, unity and cohesion at an international level and with which every Roma can identify him- or herself.
The wheel in the middle (red chakra) is intended to indicate the Indian origin of the Romani people. The symbol does not represent a moving wheel, nor is it intended to suggest a form of nomadism.