30 days special: food where it is needed most!
As part of the Islamic fasting month "Ramadan", the Roma Charity Foundation ensured the food supply of an entire village in Benin, Ghana over a period of one month. Through helping hands, we managed to provide an entire village with sufficient food and three hot meals a day. More details will appear soon in our picture gallery.
Intercultural exchange
The Roma Charity Foundation invites you to an intercultural exchange at regular intervals. People from a wide range of backgrounds and with a diverse cultural background take part in this meeting. They convey their worldly and cultural outlook on a productive basis and make the event a meeting place where proximity is created and prejudices are cleared out of the way. Diversity is desired at the events, because this is the only way to ensure a good exchange. Readings are given on the various current topics of our time. Questions are then answered and discussions held in the form of a panel discussion. The Roma Charity Foundation offers participants coffee, cake and other meals as part of the event.
Admission is free of charge and only requires a small pre-registration. Due to the limited space, we would like to point out the limited number of participants. Early registration is therefore advisable.
So that the events can take place regularly and the food remains secure, we ask the visitors for a small donation and thank all helpers and interested parties in advance!